

The first step to developing telepathy is to make use of your natural empathic abilities. Most people have empathy to one degree or another. Being aware of it allows you to gain insight into another persons feelings and general state of mind.

Along with empathizing with people, there are physical signs you can read as well. These are just general, and not every sign means the same thing with different people, but if you combine several visual cues with your empathy, you will be right more often than you will be wrong.

Facial expressions are the first thing to look at,but are not entirely accurate. People can easily fake expressions, so facial expressions should be combined with other signs. Look more at changes to skin and eye coloration. draining or raising of color in the neck can indicate changes of emotions or thought patterns. Eye color in most people also changes when undergoing strong emotions. Lighter colored eyes are easier to read than dark eyes,but dark eyes can be read.

Eye direction is also an indicator. People with shifty eyes tend to be nervous or may be hiding something. Some people tend to direct their gaze in a particular manner when thinking,but the exact manner will differ form person to person. People may also tend to look in a particular direction each time they lie, and will be uncomfortable looking at you directly if they are in fact lying.

Body and hand gestures are a more reliable indicator, because they tend to be more instinctive. People do certain things without even thinking about them.

People who fold their arms across their chest, positions their body towards the nearest exit, are unwilling to put down a purse or anything they are carrying or fidget around alot are generally feeling defensive.

People who keep themslves tightly wrapped, unwilling to unbutton outer jackets or suit coats are usually uncomfortable and feeling vulnerable. They feel the need to wear their clothes like a suit of armor.

If they prop their feet on a desk or table,or steeple their fingers, it is a sign that they feel in control.

People who keep their hands in their pockets, or seen overly nervous may be lying or hiding secrets.

Poor psoture generally denotes low self-esteem,good strong posture is a sign of confidence.

Keep in mind, you cannot read one sign alone. Look for many signs that point in the same direction and combine this with your own impression of the person you are studying.

This type of telepathy is not actually hearing thoughts in your mind or seeing what another person is thinking. It is based on understanding,feeling,and observation, and can be quite useful if you work with it.

