
In order to work with the Force, it is necessary to have a serious and focused mind, and to be able to make good use of your imagination. The following exercises are intended to help you develop such a mind.

Creative Visualization

Have close to you writing materials. You will take notes at various points in this exercise. Select an object that is relativly simple and hold it in your hand. Look at it briefly, and then close your eyes. Imagine the object as you just saw it and hold that image for a few moments. Then open your eyes and look at the object as if you were a bug crawling on the surface of it. See the variations in it,imagine the textures. See every detail. When you feel you have done this long enough, stop and write down your observations.

Now repeat the above exercise, but this time be a bird flying around the object. Circle it. explore it from an arial point of view. When finished write down these observations.

Then be yourself and study the object at eye level. Look it over good and write this down as well.

Lastly, close your as and imagine it again. Write down how your perception of it has changed.

You should start with simple objects such as rocks or leaves, pens, anything ordinary. As you gain confidence move to more complex shapes. Creative visualization does not need to be practiced every day, but the more you do the better you will become.


Geometric Meditation

This exercise is a meditation. Sit and relax your body and mind. Breath deeply and let a geometric shape come to mind. See how long you can hold this shape solid in your mind. At first this may only be for a few moments, but with practice you will be able to hold any image for as long as you wish. At first you should start simple(circles, squares, etc. ) and as the skill improves move on to more comlpex shapes.

These two exercises, performed as often as you wish help lay the groundwork for the creative and controlled use of the mind.


