what the
jedi are
Well, there
seems to be a movement taking place. People have
been and still are taking up the philosophy of
the Jedi Knights and applying it to their own
lives. I think this is a very good thing myself,
and I am proud to be part of that movement. I
don't know if George Lucas ever intended such a
thing from the start, but the Jedi are now real.
Jedi Code
There is no
emotion,there is peace.
There is no ignorance,there is knowledge.
There is no passion,there is serenity.
There is no death,there is the Force.
The Jedi seeks
knowledge and enlightenment as well as peace and
harmony. The Jedi wishes to defeat those who
would destroy such qualities.
Jedi should always seek
non-violent solutions to problems. Sometimes
violence is the only answer,sometimes even the
best answer, but that does not mean one should
not try to find an alternative first. Violence is
a last resort only. It must never be the first
use of power
A Jedi must act from wisdom,
using counsel and persuasion over violence or
power. Using ones powers or combat skills when
other means would be better or to do so just for
the sake of doing so leads to the Dark Side.
Call to Action
A Jedi should not let evil
occur by inaction. To stand back and do nothing
is to encourage the forces of darkness.
