power of change


The Power of Change

The act of changing oneself is not always easy,but there are four tools available to you that will set you off on the right track.

1.Self Awareness

All thing begin with self awareness. Begin to become aware of your habits. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses. Consider the ways in which you wish you were different. Spend time with yourself doing this and eventually all will become clear.


Once you have an idea of the things you wish to change,use the power of your imagination to create a new reality within yourself. Remember, your focus determines your reality. Imagine that you already are that which you wish to be.

3. Conscience

Keep within yourself your ideals of what is truly right and what is truly wrong. Never compromise your principles for anyone or anything. We can live without many things the material world has to offer, but as sonn as we compromise what each of us is in spirit, we lose.

4.Free Will

This is the power to act on the other three. Make it your choice to change. Think about change and act on it constantly. Eventually, the inner ideals you hold true to will become a reality in the outer world. You will have transformed yourself.

Just remember that none of us has to be a victim of ourselves or of our past or of anything else that would sway us. The power of change is there for all who will choose it.

